Sunday, January 29, 2012

Modern Slave

Adam and Eve were living happily on this planet , and then Eve ate my favorite fruit, that is an APPLE from the tree of knowledge , and Pandora's box was opened and knowledge became the moral ground for enslaving people .
Now workers or I should say slaves are manufactured in large number , no doubt India being one of the largest work force in the world. Children are sent to school , made to wear same clothes, are made to learn same things , are made to live the same way , so that they can become like one another . Their individuality is destroyed . So in future if one worker dies , his or her work can be done by the other worker since all of them are just like each other.
Children go to school , they aspire for great institutes like IITs, NITs , NSIT , NLU's etc. All having either Indian in it or national in it ironically, as then they aspire to go abroad  . So first 22 years of their lives are spent like this in India , and finally their leisure time from 9 AM to 8 Pm on weekdays is bought by some MNC , again MNC contains national somewhere between it. And now they are nothing but paid slaves . And some are not bought right now , they go for higher education , so that they can be bought on a much higher price .
These modern slaves work for an MNC to fill the bank accounts of some unkown person with money , which that unknown person doesn't use .
Education was meant to make us free, we became free thinkers , but are we really free ?
Or are we slave to money , luxuries , exotic species , technology , that education promises to give us.
Education eats time in childhood , and doesn't give time in adult hood.

PS : I have time right now , but not money. But when I ll have money , I will not have time to enjoy it.

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