Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life Curve

Life is a sine curve to begin with. It goes down. It goes up. You start to enjoy the rise and fall initially and then suddenly a constant is being multiplied, and you tend to rise higher and you tend to fall much lower.
Life takes you by surprise sometimes, because I expected Life to be a Tangent curve, always rising and never falling.
but life is not a Tan curve and Life is a Sine curve built not on X axis but on X=Y line.
I don't know if you are able to Imagine the curve but it seems pretty dramatic to me.
as X=Y curve is a curve which you set yourself, it is not an absolute curve it is a relative curve.
So let me put a constant somewhere in that.
Let it be a Y=CX curve over which we have a sine curve.
But hey, that is not all, there is something more that stays with me all the time, which doesn't fall or rise.
Like my memories, my learning's which always lift me up.
so it is just not a sine curve over Y=CX axis it is a actually a A big Constant plus sine curve over Y=CX axis.

You build your own Big Constant, Your Skill Set,Your Nature, the big constant Is nothing but You

Hence I decoded my life curve with my favorite topic in mathematics.

life is

(A+B sine(n*2pi)) over Y=CX axis.
Where A,B, C and n are user defined constants. N is the frequency of your sine life curve.