Saturday, December 22, 2012

Person versus Words

The poet in me, doesn't matter how big or small, came across many poems and the small amount of which I wrote. Made me realise one thing, doesn't matter how good or bad the poem is, If it has to make an impact on one individual person, than you should be the right person. The words would not matter that much, but who that person is saying, makes them matter more.

I am not generalising this thing, I know everyone will come with examples of their own. But to say something, even if your words have weight, it won't matter until and unless your personality would have some weight.

Then I came a little out from the world of poems, and considered two courses as an example, the two courses at IIT Delhi, one on "Rural Development" and the other "Modern way of development". Both are in terms of development. Both are needed. I read somewhere "Our scientific knowledge have outrun our spiritual knowledge, we have guided missiles and misguided people". This made me realise that both kinds of development are necessary, one may and can live with just one kind, but I personally feel that I should live with the both kind. Ok, so back to the topic, things in both the courses made sense and had a huge impact on me, just because of the personalities of two great people I met at IIT Delhi, Vijay Raghvan Chariar and Ambuj Sagar. Contradictory courses, similar personalities and looking at them, you might not say that they are heavy, though their personality is the heaviest I have seen so far. Everyone wants growth, but " Growth for the sake of Growth is an ideology of a cancer cell". Growth at the right time is development.

In matters of love and romance it is the person that will matter more rather than the words, I have written poems for my friends and they did get appreciation for it, because they were not just words, what mattered the friend giving those words to YOU KNOW WHO, the one who shouldn't be named :p.

When books, doctors, and many other people in India(In India every one is a doctor they are just waiting for you to get ill and bang, every relative of yours is a doctor), said to people that live a disciplinary life, life a healthy routine, and make your life better , no one gave heed to it. Thanks to Baba Ramdev, he taught India the art of "niyamit vyayam" (regular exercise) and India did learn even though a small part of it. And then there is a small part of people according to whom he is yet another Dhongi Baba. they believe in words of the doctor.

It is not just words, it is the way you say them, the way you manipulate them, and finally the way you manipulate people. Many companies are inspired from westlife song, "words and words are all I have to take your heart away," words and words are all I have to take your MONEY away". 99 percent fat free, where the fucking fat is, which I am getting for free. No! No! it is the fat you are not getting. Egg less cake, it definitely have egg, but a little less egg, we never said egg free.

Okay so the final one, "The Written Law", In India, this thing is also like the normal words, it does matter who committed the crime. They are not same for everyone. Okay again, my personal observation, crimes in India are committed mostly by Upper Class and Lower Class. Upper Class think that they can control with money, Lower Class have nothing to lose.  The laws are different my friends, even though they are written words, they mean different.

This post do made me realise that now I suffer from Attention Deficit Syndrome, but the conclusion is , if we take the same set of words, some people can add value and some can remove value from them. So beware and Think don't take the words literally, specially the newspaper and other media. "I think therefore I am"-Descartes.

Thinking is free :p if that encourages you, but for some it is not a conspicuous consumption :P but hey you can always post from iPhone :p