Monday, October 30, 2017

Things That Hindi Movies Taught Me


1. "Picture Abhi baaki hai mere dost ": still learning from movies so a lot more to come
2. "Zindagi Lambi Nahi Badi Honi Chahiye": trying to follow the same, though it is tough.
3. "If someone asks you repeatedly the same question on Monday, do reply him on A Wednesday."
4. " Wahan Kaun hai tera, musafir, tu jaayega kahan." : find Solace.
5. "  log tumhaare khilaaf bolne lag jaayein, samjho taraaki karli hai" 
6. "if you believe in something, follow it with all your heart, the whole world will conspire to get you that thing" :  but you must work for it, phokat main kuch nahi milta
7. " those who fuck you, don't fuck with them, you might end up dying"
8. "papa khete hain bada naam karega, beta humaara aisa kaam karega" 
9.  "jaadu ki jhappi" :  it works
10. "3 friends together make an awesome vacation"

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life Curve

Life is a sine curve to begin with. It goes down. It goes up. You start to enjoy the rise and fall initially and then suddenly a constant is being multiplied, and you tend to rise higher and you tend to fall much lower.
Life takes you by surprise sometimes, because I expected Life to be a Tangent curve, always rising and never falling.
but life is not a Tan curve and Life is a Sine curve built not on X axis but on X=Y line.
I don't know if you are able to Imagine the curve but it seems pretty dramatic to me.
as X=Y curve is a curve which you set yourself, it is not an absolute curve it is a relative curve.
So let me put a constant somewhere in that.
Let it be a Y=CX curve over which we have a sine curve.
But hey, that is not all, there is something more that stays with me all the time, which doesn't fall or rise.
Like my memories, my learning's which always lift me up.
so it is just not a sine curve over Y=CX axis it is a actually a A big Constant plus sine curve over Y=CX axis.

You build your own Big Constant, Your Skill Set,Your Nature, the big constant Is nothing but You

Hence I decoded my life curve with my favorite topic in mathematics.

life is

(A+B sine(n*2pi)) over Y=CX axis.
Where A,B, C and n are user defined constants. N is the frequency of your sine life curve.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Person versus Words

The poet in me, doesn't matter how big or small, came across many poems and the small amount of which I wrote. Made me realise one thing, doesn't matter how good or bad the poem is, If it has to make an impact on one individual person, than you should be the right person. The words would not matter that much, but who that person is saying, makes them matter more.

I am not generalising this thing, I know everyone will come with examples of their own. But to say something, even if your words have weight, it won't matter until and unless your personality would have some weight.

Then I came a little out from the world of poems, and considered two courses as an example, the two courses at IIT Delhi, one on "Rural Development" and the other "Modern way of development". Both are in terms of development. Both are needed. I read somewhere "Our scientific knowledge have outrun our spiritual knowledge, we have guided missiles and misguided people". This made me realise that both kinds of development are necessary, one may and can live with just one kind, but I personally feel that I should live with the both kind. Ok, so back to the topic, things in both the courses made sense and had a huge impact on me, just because of the personalities of two great people I met at IIT Delhi, Vijay Raghvan Chariar and Ambuj Sagar. Contradictory courses, similar personalities and looking at them, you might not say that they are heavy, though their personality is the heaviest I have seen so far. Everyone wants growth, but " Growth for the sake of Growth is an ideology of a cancer cell". Growth at the right time is development.

In matters of love and romance it is the person that will matter more rather than the words, I have written poems for my friends and they did get appreciation for it, because they were not just words, what mattered the friend giving those words to YOU KNOW WHO, the one who shouldn't be named :p.

When books, doctors, and many other people in India(In India every one is a doctor they are just waiting for you to get ill and bang, every relative of yours is a doctor), said to people that live a disciplinary life, life a healthy routine, and make your life better , no one gave heed to it. Thanks to Baba Ramdev, he taught India the art of "niyamit vyayam" (regular exercise) and India did learn even though a small part of it. And then there is a small part of people according to whom he is yet another Dhongi Baba. they believe in words of the doctor.

It is not just words, it is the way you say them, the way you manipulate them, and finally the way you manipulate people. Many companies are inspired from westlife song, "words and words are all I have to take your heart away," words and words are all I have to take your MONEY away". 99 percent fat free, where the fucking fat is, which I am getting for free. No! No! it is the fat you are not getting. Egg less cake, it definitely have egg, but a little less egg, we never said egg free.

Okay so the final one, "The Written Law", In India, this thing is also like the normal words, it does matter who committed the crime. They are not same for everyone. Okay again, my personal observation, crimes in India are committed mostly by Upper Class and Lower Class. Upper Class think that they can control with money, Lower Class have nothing to lose.  The laws are different my friends, even though they are written words, they mean different.

This post do made me realise that now I suffer from Attention Deficit Syndrome, but the conclusion is , if we take the same set of words, some people can add value and some can remove value from them. So beware and Think don't take the words literally, specially the newspaper and other media. "I think therefore I am"-Descartes.

Thinking is free :p if that encourages you, but for some it is not a conspicuous consumption :P but hey you can always post from iPhone :p 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Is Wrong With Vegetarians ?

Tandoori Chicken

I am a non vegetarian , and I make a life little harder for vegetarian around me , so they preach a lot about being a vegetarian .

This is just a collection of things which I think is wrong with the people preaching me about being a vegetarian and there are various kinds , though these are personals , each person can be regarded as a kind of group where all the other persons of the same kind can be grouped .

1. Person A (Group A) : "how can one kill another living being . How evil is that .  "
I want to ask that person why he/she uses HIT(mosquito spray) to kill the mosquito . How can he/she do such a heinous crime of genocide of Mosquito.
Consciously or non consciously person A might have killed an ant under his feet. No is killing justified if its is in an unconscious stage.

2. Person B(Group B) : "how can one eat some living thing". he didn't mean a living thing literally , he meant after killing a living being how can you eat that thing.
I want to ask that person , are crops/plants are not living . Or it is right to eat and kill plants as they are not conscious beings . Now people say different things , that it is about drawing a line , you need to eat something or the other .
Its a known fact that a large amount of population eat sea food , and since the land is not enough to provide for the adequate amount of vegetarian food , who will give them food , the god who the religious sect of person B follow , whose sect made him believe in the vegetarian food in the first place.
And he/she is not living just on fruits(not good for health though).Fruits are meant to be eaten .

3.Person C(Group C) : "Animals have a right to live ,(the PETA kind)".
Person C is actually fond of milk , and have keen interest in leather products.
I want to ask that person , is it right to bred an animal(Female Holy Cow) just to take out milk from her breasts or to if the it is not able to provide milk , killing it for leather . 

PS :Until and unless if you are not just on fruit diet , and that too all the self fallen fruits. don't preach me to be a vegetarian .
Until and Unless you can provide fruit to the whole population of the world , fallen by it self , don't preach to any one .
 and .......
I love tandoori Chicken.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Someone Please make me Believe in GOD

Dear Priest/motivator/atheist ,

Please make me believe in god , because I no longer can take reality as it is . I want to believe that there is someone watching all over us , that everything will be right in the end. I want to be deluded , please for once i want to believe in the spiritual power of mind. I want to look up to some Spiritual Baba so that I'll set my limits. Irrationality is in fashion these days . I want to be fashionable .

It would be so amazing if I started believing in God . I ll stop worrying about the things. I no longer have to do an extra work to make things perfect , because I believe in god and everything will be perfect . My ignorance will be ignored . Because nothing bad can Happen is the world where there is God.

Even if I falter to do something right , it will not be my fault , it would be god's wish , that something wrong was meant to happen . I ll start believing in the causality of things , the god's wish , my destiny.
I will say to my friend before every exam " sab kuch raam bharose hai bhaiii , " though it is more rational to say "ki sab kuch aas paas waalon ke bharose hai bhai ".

I know it will contradict my intellect , as since everything is planned by the god , why did he/she even give me brains ? but I guess I'll live with it , because everything will be alright always . I will look around all the achievements of Human Brains and will believe that is is an outcome of God's will.

Please make me believe in god because now I no longer believe in people, and their ability to think rightly . Because people who already believe in god , have started having pity on me . That there is no god I pray to . That I am so unlucky. I want to be Lucky . I want favors from my GOD .

Please for my sake.....

Someone make me believe in God.

your sincerely  ,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Self help BOOKS

After reading a lot of self help books , my mind has been saturated and I Pity on it As I read so many of them. The key to reading the books was the genre only "Self Help". No bloody genius can tell any other person , how to help themselves , one need to introspect and do what is necessary . So in actual sense helping one own Self .

"If Self Help Books would have Worked , There would Have been only One :D"(read somewhere)

PS The monk Who sold his Self Help Books :D

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A says To B about C

One quotation that always inspired me is from the wall of my school library .  And this is not a wall of a facebook page.
When Great Minds meet ,they discuss ideas.
When Average Minds meet , they discuss events.
When Poor Minds meet , they discuss People.
Its a conversation between two people A and B.
A: Due know what happened in last semester ?
B: No , I Don't .
A: Oh that's why you don't know , why C is evil..
B: Ok.
A: He is so selfish , he is so mean , its like he studies all the time . Maggu Saala .
B: Oh! so how have you been ?
A: I have been good .  D , just got placed in a company . Man its sheer politics . You tell me...How can D be placed in such a company and for my goodness sake , even E and F are placed . though the company is not that good as D's company. Poltu Baaz saale. so tell tell ... what rational intellect of yours say ?
B: I don't know . How would I know ?
A: oh come on!! one knows these thing when you live in the campus... oh ! I got it you'll be aware of the things, you don't live in the campus. sab MC BC hain saale is duniya main...

B was already irritated and now he was agitated

B: I will agree to everything that you are saying .
A: so what proof i need to give you ?
B: For how long have you been speaking.
A: at least 10 minutes.
B: for 10 minutes speak about your self.

And A was obviously speechless...

We all are in a rush to know others , the events happening in their lives , the events not happening in others life. And the irony is , we don't know ourselves.
and people who are like , A talks to A about A are no where to be find . Though talking to one own self is considered a sign of mental retardation ...

One Should Know Oneself.